Welcome to AVI 3M0!
Grade Eleven Visual Arts builds upon the extensive skills and media presented in AWM 2O0 and/or AVI 2O0. In this course students will continue to intensively develop their skills in 2D and 3D artforms. Students who take both AWM 3M0 and AVI 3M0 will have a strong foundation for AWM 4M0 and AVI 4M0. So, get ready to explore, take risks, be creative and have fun! Please refer to my Home page to see the other Common Documents relevant for this class.

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Unit ONE: The Hard Hat Project
This is an interesting challenge that has been given to the Visual Arts department, this semester.
Construction/Hard Hat Project (Mike Holmes Foundation)
The Creative Challenge: Mike Holmes, an HGTV and local personality, has hosted may programs that feature the trades, construction and high-quality attention to detail. He is invested in promoting the trades as a viable option for youth. In June, he will host an event that auctions off hard hats that have been incorporated into artworks. The Visual Arts department has been given several hats that will be completed by two classes, AVI 3M and 4M. Ten of these works will be selected for auction.
Construction/Hard Hat Project (Mike Holmes Foundation)
The Creative Challenge: Mike Holmes, an HGTV and local personality, has hosted may programs that feature the trades, construction and high-quality attention to detail. He is invested in promoting the trades as a viable option for youth. In June, he will host an event that auctions off hard hats that have been incorporated into artworks. The Visual Arts department has been given several hats that will be completed by two classes, AVI 3M and 4M. Ten of these works will be selected for auction.
- I am Reminded of... create a mind-map of word associations for the project.
- I am Inspired by... First - look at your initial word associations and look for themes that emerge, now research (holmes foundation, construction, safety, etc). Print off pertinent information, image and make sure that you site your sources. Next - identify and research visual inspirations (artists, design conventions - blue prints, cultures, eras, etc). Print out images, info and add visual research to your sketchbook.
- Now I image this... Look at what you have assembled in your sketchbook and build on any ideas - work with a peer and share your ideas, you may get more ideas as you talk out your ideas... Follow-up these ideas in your sketchbook.
- Let's Focus my Ideas... Begin to design and develop your Design Directions using text and thumbnail drawings to flesh out your ideas. A minimum of three ideas, please! You will choose your best idea and present it to the class for feedback - revise if necessary.
- My Composition looks like this... Choose your best design direction/thumbnail sketch and enlarge it to full size 9" by 12" by 1.5"
- I will Experiment with... This project will be completed using acrylic paint and layers of other media - refer back to your demos and experiments. Do more if needed to get the effect you want.
- I will Create my Work... Do it!
Initial Inspirations
Look here for more inspiration: www.makeitright.ca
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program www.oyap.com
What else will you discover?
Look here for more inspiration: www.makeitright.ca
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program www.oyap.com
What else will you discover?

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Unit TWO: Clay and Pattern
This unit is inspired by American Potter, Chris Campbell and polymer clay techniques. We will be using porcelain and a variety of coloured stains to create functional (and possibly non-functional pieces.
Inspirational Links:
Chris Campbell Artist/Pottery Website
Polymer Clay Techniques
'Sculpey' Tutorials
Video of Intro Techniqiue(s)
Inspirational Links:
Chris Campbell Artist/Pottery Website
Polymer Clay Techniques
'Sculpey' Tutorials
Video of Intro Techniqiue(s)
Unit ONE & 1/2: Line and Watercolour
This is a quick little unit that explores the use of blind contour drawings to record explicit detail and colour.
To make a blind contour drawing:
To make a blind contour drawing:
- In this drawing style, we are NOT concerned about proportion.
- Rather think: the drawing is about capturing as much detail as possible regardless of whether it is proportionally placed on the image or not.
- Prompt: look at the subject. Move your eyes slowly on the contour of the subject and as your eye moves, your pen captures the detail on the page.
Unit TWO: Art & Meditation
Ms. Trivedi is leading this unit. The themes of art, mediation and art as therapy will be explored.
Day 1: Art and Music (Links)
In class you will experience at least three different types of cultural music. You are to listen (eyes closed) to the music and then respond in your sketchbook (nothing figural). Think about the colours, lines, shapes, values, textures, etc that you feel/see from the music.
In class you will experience at least three different types of cultural music. You are to listen (eyes closed) to the music and then respond in your sketchbook (nothing figural). Think about the colours, lines, shapes, values, textures, etc that you feel/see from the music.
- Choose one of the links to music below OR choose a musical selection of your own as long as it does not have lyrics and is of a cultural world region (like below). If you are finding your own music, record the link on your page.
- Complete one strong composition in your sketchbook. You may choose one of the drawings that you did in class as a starting point to finish and make better. Label and date your selection. You may use more than one medium as you complete your work.
- Write a paragraph that explains why and how you made your composition (explain your decisions) and note how you felt as you created it. What words came to mind as you were drawing to your music? How did you interpret this in your composition?

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Looking for some inspiration? Heather Hansen creates full body drawings using dance, music and charcoal. Check out the images and video.

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Unit THREE: The Altered Book Sculpture
Now that you have gotten your feet wet with The Cup Project, we are going to continue to work three dimensionally. Your medium will be a hard cover book and you will use it to create a sculpture. Consider all aspects, 360 degrees, as you design and plan your sculpture. Finally, stay true to the materials, book, that you start with - you want the viewer to be able to identify specific book-like aspects when you have completed this challenge!
Initial Inspirations
Book Sculpture Inspiration, look here
Youtube Video, 'From Within a Book: The Making of a Book Sculpture,' by Emma Taylor
Emma Taylor, 'From Within a Book' Site
Artist Jodi Harvey-Brown's Book Sculptures
Edinburgh's Mysterious Book Sculptures
What else will you discover?
Book Sculpture Inspiration, look here
Youtube Video, 'From Within a Book: The Making of a Book Sculpture,' by Emma Taylor
Emma Taylor, 'From Within a Book' Site
Artist Jodi Harvey-Brown's Book Sculptures
Edinburgh's Mysterious Book Sculptures
What else will you discover?
- Download, Elements of Sculptural Design PDF
- 3 Thumbnail Drawings

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Unit FOUR: 3 for 1 Portraiture
The last portion of the semester is going to address three different media using portraiture as the unifying subject matter/theme. Students will have the opportunity to work both 3D and 2D using clay, graphite and acrylic paint. Students will be encouraged to build up their hand-eye co-ordination as they approach each medium. Close examination of human anatomy will be addressed as students become more familiar with the forms, shapes, spacial relationships, proportion and geometry of the human body.
1/3: Clay Masks
The class voted to create clay masks first! Developing a three-dimensional face is an interesting endeavour for students who are more comfortable with two-dimensional work. Looking at the facial features for the basic shapes that these shapes are constructed from helps students to understand the big shift from shape (2D) to form (3D).
Historical Inspirations:
Short Video, The Terra-Cotta Warriors National Geographic
Documentary, Secret History New Secrets Of The Terracotta Warriors
Other Ancient Cultures and Eras that created amazing scuplture; Greece, Egypt and Rome.
Demo Video showing Joanna Mozdzen's technique/approach, Clay Head
Video by Phillipe Faraut, Sculpting the Art Critic
Site, Richard Macdonald, Sculptor (Videos, Sculpture Photos in 360 degrees, etc)
Video, Richard Macdonald
Short Video, The Terra-Cotta Warriors National Geographic
Documentary, Secret History New Secrets Of The Terracotta Warriors
Other Ancient Cultures and Eras that created amazing scuplture; Greece, Egypt and Rome.
Demo Video showing Joanna Mozdzen's technique/approach, Clay Head
Video by Phillipe Faraut, Sculpting the Art Critic
Site, Richard Macdonald, Sculptor (Videos, Sculpture Photos in 360 degrees, etc)
Video, Richard Macdonald
- Take notes during the full class demonstrations of facial construction
- Apply learning and experiment in plasticine facial construction